CUBE Knowledge Hub

CUBE Framework
Version 0.8 (BETA)
© 2024 Tenosis AB

Core Idea

2.1 Core Concepts

The CUBE® framework is based on a single core idea…

The mutual agreement of the perception of an idea

Let us break this sentence down to clarify its true meaning…


..refers to that there are multiple parties involved.


..refers to an understanding between the parties that is to be held true until new agreement is made.


..refers to the way an individual think about or understand something.


..refers to anything* conceived by the mind.


* In the CUBE® context, we refer to an idea as something that the human mind can comprehend and express as a thought, word, text, picture, or other format that in some way solidifies the idea.

If we combine these descriptions, we get:

Multiple parties having an understanding to be held true of the way the individuals think or understand a thought or opinion conceived by the mind.

..or in short:

The mutual agreement of the perception of an idea

The key take away is that we must first ensure we have the same understanding of the idea (word, text, picture, etc.). Once we have ensured mutual understanding, we can mutually agree to stay true to this understanding until there is a need to adjust the understanding and make a new agreement.

Mutual agreement does not equal same opinion

Note that we are not talking about striving to have the same opinion. In a well functioning organisation, diversity and difference in opinions is healthy, as long as there is a common foundation to build constructive discussion on. The CUBE® Framework is not meant to make everyone have the same opinion about a topic or idea. It is meant to provide a common language to enable a healthy discussion of different perspectives and opinions regarding an idea.

Collaborative Unified Business Environment (CUBE®)

CUBE® stands for Collaborative Unified Business Environment, referring to an organisation where all execution is integrated and unified towards a common direction based on effective collaboration.

This material is intended to give you the perception of the idea that is the CUBE® framework and establish a mutual agreement between its creators, others who have learned the framework and you as a reader.

Next Step

Continue reading about the purpose of the CUBE® framework…