CUBE Knowledge Hub

CUBE Framework
Version 0.8 (BETA)
© 2024 Tenosis AB

Communicate Process

4.3 Process Steps

Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity

Process overview


The purpose of the communication process is to ensure that all relevant stakeholders are informed of the formalisation of the new asset and eventual planned implementation


    • Formalised asset
    • Approved communication plan


    • Published asset documentation
    • Informed stakeholders

    Process steps


    1. Assess Impact

    • Asses impact on current asset architecture
    • Assess impact on related assets and dependencies
    • Assess communication needs
    • Assess implementation needs
    • Document findings as a communication and implementation plan

    2. Inform & Involve Leaders

    • Inform leaders of impact 
    • Discuss and adjust with leaders to ensure optimal conditions for communication and implementation

        3. Publish Steering Documents

        • Create formal version of asset documentation (typically PDF or equivalent)
        • Publish documentation on official publishing library

            4. Execute Communication

            • Publish and distribute communication material to all stakeholders according to plan

              Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

              • Communication consumption (% readers/participants per stakeholder group)

              Next Step

              Next, read more about the Implement process…